Monday, July 15, 2013

Da Capo...

"Da Capo" indeed, and I am already liking this Monday morning! First session at the MusicCOMP Music and Multimedia Summer Institute - Blogging!

From the top, I find myself taking in the view of this seemingly endless array of technology options, how they apply to music and music education, how they enhance communication, and how they support the  learners and consumers among us. (The view of Burlington and Lake Champlain from our classroom window is pretty impressive too!)

From the top, I take the plunge and dive into this new pool of bloggers; waters that I have previously only tested with one very hesitant toe.  Thankfully, I am among colleagues, new and old friends, and teachers who facilitate our learning with wisdom, experience, and the ultimate life-saver... patience.

I have a feeling that my personal coda is many, many measures away...